Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Floods in Angono from typhoon Maring rains on August 20, 2013

Angono - ang UNO  | August 20, 2013

                              Dogs go to higher ground to avoid the flood waters

The mayor of this town was visibly worried in last night's award ceremonies because there was heavy pouring rain;   we could hardly hear each other because of the rain falling on the roof.

Early this morning some had to evacuate their vehicles to higher ground.

I went around and saw these scenes.    The just dredged river and river mouth could not handle the heavy and large volume of rain that fell.  The climate change is really wrecking havoc on our daily lives causing constant flooding.

I am supposed to conduct classes every Monday since August 12.  So far, there has been no class because it rains and floods every Monday. (August 12, and 19)

                                   The hukay ilog could not contain the large volume of rainfall

                            The bottom of the bridge is only a meter away from the floodwater level

                                The flood waters as seen from a store front - a bike store

                                    The river floodwaters have entered some of the houses

                                  The uzis watching the floodwaters flow by

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